King Kirby

Avedon Arcade,

2020, Acrylic on canvas,


Avedon Arcade is a multidisciplinary artist who, when looking for ways to understand life, will always draw his dog to make sense of it.

My art journey with my rescue mutt began roughly a decade ago in the form of photography. I wasn’t a fan of shooting landscapes and needed a subject. And what perfect subject is there than the one always at your feet?

Still it took another 4 years before I started to draw and paint him. King Kirb actually looked a lot different back then. The painting, not my buddy. Although he did look much younger too.

I kept thinking about his origins. How he must have felt or been treated out on the streets. And how things changed once he began living with me. My life was messy at the time. Hazy. But the one thing that remained clear was how much Kirby grounded me through all of it. He endured his own hardships along with my own. Only an animal can do that without complaint.